With the belief that a robust governance framework is the key to our strategy, performance and value creation, the Board of Currimjee Jeewanjee and Company Limited strives to ensure that the highest standards of corporate governance are upheld at all levels within the organisation and embedded in our culture.
Currimjee Jeewanjee and Company Limited is a Public Interest Entity ("PIE") as defined by the Financial Reporting Act 2004 and the Board has endorsed the principles set out under the National Code of Corporate Governance of Mauritius 2016 ("The Code").
This section explains how Currimjee Jeewanjee and Company Limited is governed and includes information on the Board, its Board Committees, the responsibilities of senior governance positions (Chairman, Managing Director and Company Secretary) and our Code of Conduct.
Currimjee Jeewanjee arrived in Mauritius in 1884. He had a clear vision of where he wanted to go and he had strong values that governed the way he did business and how he measured success. These are some of the traits we have tried to maintain.
The founder brought with him a set of strong values. Although a lot has changed over the years, those values have remained the same: Foresight, Integrity, Responsibility, Passion and Openness.
Currimjee has always played an active role in the sustainable progress of Mauritius and will continue to create opportunities and contribute to a better tomorrow for the future generation.