As a family-owned business in existence for 130 years, Currimjee Jeewanjee is founded on a strong ethos of long-term stewardship and the profound understanding that what we do now will impact future generations.


Our actions today will have consequences tomorrow - and this is why we care.


We care about creating an enduring, inspiring legacy and we also care about how we do it. Because what we do, and how we do it, ultimately defines who we are.

We are guided by an unwavering sense of moral duty towards our team members, the communities in which we operate, and our natural environment. We seek to strike a balance in addressing the needs of all our stakeholders, and we accept our responsibility to help ensure a more sustainable future for all.


It is our responsibility:

to Protect, to Empower, to Nurture, to Foresee, to Preserve, and to Support


Our areas of intervention:

Environment - Social Inclusion - Human Capital - Empowerment - Arts and Culture


We care, deeply. We do.


At the core of our Business

The Currimjee Jeewanjee Group (CJ) has long believed that business growth and the environment go hand in hand. We recognise the compelling challenges faced by our planet and island, from biodiversity loss to dwindling natural resources, and we are resolved to playing a meaningful role in addressing these.


Our commitment to environmental sustainability extends beyond compliance and one-off actions; instead, we use sustainability as a lens to drive our strategies, operations and behaviors. This applies to our corporate office, our clusters and individual business units. Through our adherence to international frameworks and standards, our ongoing digitisation initiatives, responsible waste management and the use of renewable energy, amongst others, we strive to contribute to a more sustainable society.


Our Environment & Sustainability (E&S) Commitments

Guided by our core values, we have developed a Group-level E&S framework that considers the environmental and sustainability aspects most pertinent to our planet, and relevant to our strategy and stakeholders, with the UN SDGS as our blueprint. Strong leadership, effective management and the continuous engagement of our employees are all key to ensuring that we progress towards achieving our sustainability goals.

Addressing Climate Change

As a Small Island Developing State, we are keenly aware of the critical challenges posed by climate change and diligently honour our responsibility to reduce our contribution and vulnerability to this global threat. The adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 committed the world to the long term objective to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) induced global warming to below 2ºC above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature rise even further to 1.5ºC.


At CJ, we aim to support this goal by decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from our operations through the promotion of renewable solar energy harvesting, facilitating energy efficiency, proper fleet management, and carbon offset revegetation programmes.

Preserving Ecosystems and Natural Resources

We are committed to preserving the unique but endangered native and endemic flora, fauna, and supporting ecosystems of Mauritius, as we are conscious of their ecological importance for humankind. We do so by supporting and actively participating in terrestrial and marine ecosystem restoration programmes such as revegetation of native forest areas, coral farming, mangrove planting, and flora and fauna conservation programmes.


Within our operations CJ has been only procuring paper sourced from responsibly managed forests (FSC and PEFC certified), and has also worked hard to reduce use of paper through digitisation. Water is a particularly important resource for island states such as Mauritius, and we minimise the demands our operations place on the local water supply by installing water saving devices and capturing rainwater for use, as applicable.

Responsible Waste Management

We actively promote the circular economy of our waste materials through the recycling and upcycling of as many of these as possible. A waste management system facilitates responsible disposal of all paper, PET and electronic waste generated by our operations through registered recyclers. The process is supported by our Waste Management Policy which provides guidelines for this initiative. CJ also encourages employees to bring their personal recyclable paper, plastic and electronic waste from home to dispose of through the facilities provided by the company. This initiative is also extended to the community through our national e-waste collection programme, and through the network of PET plastic collection bins placed in key locations across Mauritius.

Environmental Stewardship

Engaging our employees in our sustainability agenda is key to achieving our overall, long term objective of protecting and preserving the environment. By promoting environmental stewardship, we are establishing values that will develop and foster an awareness of the importance of our environment, and the vital resources we depend on. We do so through group wide environmental awareness sessions and by encouraging our employees’ participation in the environmental related activities delivered both internally within our companies, and externally in the communities we operate in.

127,760 tCO2e
Group Level GHG Emissions
184 mWh
Renewable Energy Generated
Native Plants Planted at La Citadelle
2.5 HA
Forest Restored at La Citadelle and Ebony Forest
Coral Fragments Farmed at La Cambuse
Rain Water Harvested
75 tonnes
E-Waste Recycled from CJCO
10 tonnes
E-Waste Recycled from Community
5,598 kg
Paper and Carton Waste Recycled
120 kg
Used Kitchen Oil Recycled from Real Estate Tenants
156 kg
Waste Collected during Clean-Up Campaigns
Employees Participated in Environmental Activities
Social Inclusion

Building a better today & tomorrow for future generations

Since the very beginning, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been a key element of CJ’s sustainability ethos. The local communities we operate in have been fundamental to our growth, and we leverage our unique position to engage with them in a meaningful way, improve their quality of life and contribute to the greater common good of society.


In addition to providing temporary relief to individuals on a case-by-case basis, our CSR approach has evolved further, becoming a more sustainable form of intervention which involves making incremental, measurable, and lasting positive impacts in our communities.


The group-wide aim to support and empower these communities in the most effective, sustainable way is facilitated by the work of the Currimjee Foundation (CF). The Foundation oversees collaboration with non-profit organisations, and distributes financial contributions and in-kind donations, ensuring that these resources target the needs of the communities appropriately. CF co-ordinates the implementation of a number of socially inclusive projects including poverty alleviation programmes, improvements to healthcare access, and initiatives focussed specifically on education and the youth.

MUR 7.7M
Invested in the CSR programme of the group
Beneficiaries of poverty and hunger alleviation programmes
Pints of blood collected during blood donation campaigns
Beneficiaries of 4 Health Programmes
Students supported through remedial classes, EDYCS, donations of school materials
Beneficiaries supported through sports development programmes
Human Capital

CJ considers human capital as a key enabler in the execution of its strategy and for its long term growth. Governed by our 5 values, we ensure our people are provided with a fair, inclusive and safe working environment and are given the right learning and development opportunities to unleash their potential and cope with the changing market dynamics.


Across the organisation, we also focus on creating a culture promoting diversity, equity and inclusion, and we emphasize on the importance of the wellbeing of our employees.


The HR strategy is built around five pillars: talent development, learning and competence development, employee engagement, employee wellbeing and organisational efficiencies.


Click here to know more about our human capital strategy.

70 %
Group Engagement score
59% / 41%
Male / Female employee ratio
77% / 23%
Male to female ratio in management position
11,191 hours
Number of hours of training
223.82 hours
Number of hours for health and safety related trainings
Number of injury cases
Number of employees participated in CJ Health week

« Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.» This old adage undoubtedly sums up the philosophy that guides Currimjee Jeewanjee's action on empowerment. This commitment has led to the implementation of many projects during the past years. The objective is to support the most vulnerable by giving them access to training, or by accompanying social entrepreneurs in the setting up of their business like through TRAMPOLINE.



TRAMPOLINE, a social impact accelerator created in 2021 by the Currimjee Group, forms part of our goal to empower our communities. It aims to support social entrepreneurship in Mauritius by promoting startups that place social challenges at the heart of their purpose.

Arts and Culture

The Arts and Culture

The Currimjee Group believes passionately in the power of the Arts and Culture to strengthen our communities and sustain their collective identity. Not only are they fundamental to our humanity, but they also foster creativity, build bridges between cultures, and enhance our social fabric, allowing real connection between people across barriers and obstacles that exist in the everyday.


Nurturing a love of creativity, and encouraging the celebration of diversity and differences, is integral to the magic of Arts and Culture. For many years we have supported homegrown talent and been proud sponsors of a range of cultural events, aspiring to empower our youth in particular, to express themselves through dance, music, painting, crafts, and literature.

MAMA JAZ Festival

For its 9th edition, @MAMA JAZ proposed a unique month-long festival dedicated to creative music and jazz featuring international and local artists. On the programme - an immersive journey into mesmerising harmonies and melodies, with an exciting lineup of artists, concerts and workshops scheduled at the Caudan Arts Centre and the Creative Park, Beau Plan.


As a Group that actively promotes Arts and Culture in Mauritius, we took immense pride in endorsing and supporting this noteworthy initiative.

Philarmonia Festival

In January 2024, a 20-player chamber ensemble performed three concerts with renowned cellist Steven Isserlis, a passionate advocate for musical education and outreach.


Mauritian musicians and choruses also had the chance of featuring alongside the prestigious Philharmonic troop.


Currimjee Jeewanjee was a proud supporter to this festival that enabled the discovery of new sounds and music.

Promoting Communication & Creativity - Flame Festival

Currimjee Jeewanjee proudly supported the “Flame Festival” event which facilitates the communication between businesses and individuals.


The event was hosted by the Association of Communication Agencies Mauritius (ACA) on the 10th of October, at the Caudan Arts Centre, regrouping professionals, agencies and creatives around one common theme: communication.


This conference also harboured companies and interested parties from Madagascar, Reunion, the Comoros and Mayotte islands, with the aim to discuss various topics and delve into activities around the theme of communication in today’s world.

Sponsoring ALL STARS JAZZ Concert

We’re proud to bring our support to Le Sapin Café Culture in promoting the artists and culture of our country.


In recognition of the impact artists have had on shaping its reputation, Le Sapin Café Culture hosted the ‘All Stars Jazz’ on Saturday 30th of September. This event, organised with the famous trumpeter Philippe Thomas, brought an exceptional experience, filled with original musical compositions, collabs and covers, performed by an exclusive line up of renowned local musicians.


Proud Sponsor of The Magic Flute Opera

In line with our support to Arts and Culture, CJ was a proud sponsor of the ‘Magic Flute by Mozart’ Opera which held at the Caudan Arts Centre in August 2023. Set in a fantastic underwater world, the Mauritian version of Mozart’s masterpiece united international Award-Winning singers, 25 seasoned orchestra players from Mauritius who shared the stage with musicians from Germany, Reunion Island and together with the first violinist of the Estonia National Orchestra. 

Planet’R Temporary exhibition

Currimjee was the proud sponsor of the temporary exhibition “Planet’R” (Refuse. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Rot) organized by L’Aventure du Sucre. By supporting and promoting this temporary exhibition, the Group reiterates its commitment towards sustainable development and particularly towards the protection of our Planet and hence embarking on this journey to sensitize the public at large.

Currimjee supports "The Blue Penny", 100% Proudly Mauritian made film

In line with its commitment to Arts and Culture, the Currimjee Group, along with other sponsors, has supported the film “The Blue Penny”, a 100% local production, and in doing so, is contributing to promote Mauritian artistic creation, enhance heritage, and participate more broadly in the development of the Mauritian film industry.

‘Natir’ - Let's take care of our planet!

The employees of Currimjee Jeewanjee together with the young artists of l’Atelier Mo’zar, NGO that we’ve been supporting for years now, gathered to compose and sing, an original song that stands as a call for urgent actions to safeguard our planet.


The music was composed by local famous Jazzman, Philippe Thomas, and the amazing artists of Mo'Zar. This initiative reflects our support to Arts and culture while raising awareness on environmental issues.

Proud Sponsor of l’Atelier Mo'zar

CJ has been proudly supporting l’Atelier Mo’Zar for years, a music school whose philosophy is centered on using music to enable social inclusion and promoting talented young artists.


CJ aims to continue playing a meaningful part in empowering our youth to express themselves through creativity and culture.

‘AQUEEQA’ by Assad Bhuglah honours Muslim traditions

In the spirit of bringing to the fore the rich cultural practices and rituals in Mauritius, Assad Bhuglah sheds new light on the Muslim tradition of celebrating the arrival of a newborn in a family. Currimjee Jeewanjee co-sponsored the publication of the author’s new book, Aqeeqa, which was unveiled in September 2020. The artwork on the cover was painted by Nasreen Banu Ahseek.


Written both in English and Kreol, the book is set in a context of conviviality and peaceful coexistence between our diverse communities. It delves into the important place that multiculturalism holds in Mauritius, and how the birth of a child is a celebration shared by neighbours and friends of all faiths and creeds. The idea behind the book is to highlight how sharing and understanding of our differences solidifies our binds and shapes our collective strength. Yet another local talent proudly supported by Currimjee Jeewanjee!

Joshila Dhaby flies the Mauritian flag in Dubai

Currimjee Jeewanjee was honoured to co-sponsor the participation of Joshila Dharby in the 4th edition of Arts Connect Women 2020. The international art exhibition was held in Dubai from 5th – 8th March 2020 and aims to shine a light on global talents who have the determination and creativity to express women empowerment through their artworks.


The artists were tasked with commemorating the International Women’s Day 2020 theme, #Each For Equal, to demonstrate how women can challenge stereotypes, fight bias and broaden perceptions around gender. Joshila Dhaby, who represented Mauritius at the event, was one of only 100 women to have made it to the impressive lineup of international artists. Her participation in the prestigious exhibition authenticates how art can be a vehicle for sending strong messages and make a positive difference in society.

Celebrating aspiring local poets

For the third consecutive year, Currimjee Jeewanjee is delighted to be one of the partners of the ‘Prix de Poésie Edouard Maunick 2020-2021’. This annual event, organised by IMMEDIA, is open to Mauritians of all ages and invites aspiring writers to submit original peoms. The event took place in mid-2020 and the chosen theme for this edition was ‘Renaissances’. Select participants from all three editions also had the unique opportunity of having their prize-winning poems published in a collection of poems, which was later launched at the ceremony.

“Hervé Masson” Exhibition

CJ was delighted to be one of the partners of the ‘Hervé Masson’ exhibition, an event that celebrated the illustrious life and career of an iconic artist who would have celebrated his 100th birthday. The exhibition took place at Plaza in Rose Hill, from 26th September to 12th October 2019.

“Conversations” Exhibition

The Group also co-sponsored ‘Conversations’, and exhibition by l’Institut Français de Maurice that brought together some of the Indiand Ocean’s most talented contemporary artists. Held between 29th September and 30th November 2019 in the newly renovated Natural History Museum in Port Louis, attendees were guided on a tour of the historical site and enjoyed a host of activities which included an open-air cinema amongst others.

Currimjee Foundation

The Currimjee Foundation (CF), established in 2009, is the vehicle through which the activities of the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)programme are managed and monitored. Through a coordinated and focused approach, all clusters are aligned to the programme and the five main areas of intervention to which the Group and its subsidiaries are committed, through the contribution of their funds, time, and efforts.


Poverty Alleviation | Quality Health | Quality Education | Environment


Key to the execution of our CSR projects and initiatives, are our employees’ continuous engagement and participation, and the partnerships the Currimjee Foundation has forged with NGOs over the years.

Poverty Alleviation

We are committed to contributing to Mauritius’ socio-economic development through community empowerment, by creating meaningful partnerships with Government bodies and NGOs, and by investing in sustainable community projects.


Quality Health

We address the health and welfare needs of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities through the implementation of awareness initiatives, and sponsorship/investment in programmes aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Quality Education

We believe that education is a steppingstone to economic and social inclusion. We empower the youth in vulnerable communities by providing relevant knowledge and skills training to help them achieve useful levels of education.


We aim to reduce our environmental footprint through the protection of our biodiversity and ecosystems, and the efficient use of natural resources, so that future generations may benefit from a healthy, habitable planet.